
Our Blog

4 Natural Ways Into Longevity

  • 05 October, 2023
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  • By Aleksandra Cichuta

There are nine large populations in the world where living past 100 is not uncommon. What can we learn from them?

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We Love We Live – How Connecting With Coherent Heart Reduces The Stress of Life

  • 28 September, 2023
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  • By Aleksandra Cichuta

Your heart has its own intelligence and transforms intuitive and emotional information to every cell in your body.

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Why Sound Healing Is Taking Over Wellness In 2022

  • 09 March, 2022
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  • By Joanna Cichuta

Sound is everywhere. Sound is powerful. But most importantly, it's captivating. Just think about how easy it is to get a

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Intuition Meaning and The 6th Sense

  • 17 February, 2022
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  • By Joanna Cichuta

Many people claim to be intuitive, but what does that mean and how do you determine if you are an intuitive individual?

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Do We Really Need to Have Enough Sleep?

  • 22 October, 2021
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  • By Joanna Cichuta

Sleep is essential for good health. However, why does sleep take so much time out of the entire 24hrs day? What is its p

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How to Break Bad Habits – Neuroscience Approach

  • 14 September, 2021
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  • By Aleksandra Cichuta

Automated thoughts, feelings, or behaviours are habits. And habits allow your brain to work on autopilot. How to break t

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The science to healthy use of fear for abundance.

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