
Joanna Cichuta

Joanna Cichuta is the Co-Founder and Director of Brand Partnerships responsible for sourcing, establishing, maintaining and expanding relationships with well-being brands, in order to develop the high-end mind/body
well-being online education platform. She works closely with brands, focusing on their satisfaction, as well
as to ensure INNER FIRE It Is gives as much information to our members and clients as required, in order to
improve their well-being and keep balanced life.

Joanna is also a qualified Make-up Artist, Miracle Morning practitioner, and salsa dancer.

Aleksandra Cichuta

Aleksandra Cichuta is the Co-founder, CEO, and a Socially Conscious Change Maker, overseeing the health and success of the entire INNER
FIRE brand. Working closely with the content research, marketing, editorial, clients’ relations, sales, and members
relations teams, she ensures the INNER FIRE platform responds to the needs of all visiting. She leads
the implementation of our vision, to become THE place to go to, for everyone looking for expanding own well-being, and practice living from the insight-out, in health, happiness, purposely and with passion.
Aleksandra is also a qualified Psychologist, Life, and Well-Being Coach, a mother, martial arts practitioner, and salsa dancer.

The science to healthy use of fear for abundance.

Discover how to use fears to escape the anxiety trap and create the life you want.

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