4 Natural Ways ....
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Sleep shorter than six hours a night is a trend that can have serious personal health consequences. If you have trouble sleeping read on.
One in five Americans sleeps less than six hours a night. Sleep deprivation increases the risk for many chronic health problems, including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. If you have trouble sleeping, the following strategies can help you get more sleep.
Some conditions or medications may be interfering with your sleep patterns.
Use your bed for sleep and sex only, block as much noise and light as possible, go to bed and wake at the same times each day, and get out of bed if you haven’t fallen asleep within 20 minutes.
If you like to nap, get your daytime shut-eye in midday. Naps late in the day can interfere with sleep later. If your problem is difficulty getting to sleep at night, then not napping can make you sleepier at bedtime and more likely to stay asleep. Your nap should be 2 hours as the body goes through 4 stages of deep sleeping. For example, if you wake up earlier in stage 3 or 4 you will be tired.
Exercise stimulates the body and brain, so make sure you finish exercising at least three hours before turning in.
Stay away from foods that cause heartburn. Ban caffeine-rich food and drinks (chocolate, tea, coffee, soda) at least six hours before bedtime. Don’t drink alcohol for at least two hours before bed.
Stay positive and find a way of coping with stress. Allow negative emotions go through as well as positive in order to stay balance and discover peace within you.
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