
Positive Impact Movement


The Basics

Website: https://pimov.org/

Email: info@pimov.org

Good For: Positive Thinking, Personal Growth, Networking, Co-creating, Partnerships, Well-being


This is a space for Socially-Conscious Change Makers coming together to achieve a Positive iMPACT. It is done through:

  • Socially conscious projects
  • Collaboration
  • Focus on outcomes that create positive impact
  • Commitment to personal development;


“We don’t believe in competition; We believe in collaboration! We evolve ourselves in community to potentiate Positive iMPACT”


“Individual’s Positive iMPACT is born through knowledge and a deep connection to the self. “

Being socially conscious change makers this community  understands that positive change in communities comes from within. They are committed to empower you to make a Positive iMPACT through who you are and what you love to create.

Through PiMOV you connect with like minded individuals who will inspire and support you in your quest of Positive iMPACT. They will collaborate with you through their projects, and together you will co-create the Positive iMPACT Movement.

Virtual Meetings

Every Wednesday the Positive iMPACT Movement connect with everyone, members and non-members, during one special hour of the virtual meeting.

Jeannette and Ruben are growing PiMOV from the observation that many people all over the world deeply desire to live in a community, where members value individual evolution and empower each other to create well-being for people everywhere.

The current pandemic is calling many of us to live more humbly, attending, both individually and in community, to the non-negotiable qualities of individual integrity, collaborative kindness, and in-service toward an impact that has the potential for infinite generativity (as opposed to the norm, or violation of personal, social, and environmental integrity on earth)

The Positive iMPACT Movement community is here to provide people with an alternative to this dependency on efficiency at any cost.

Nevertheless, to grow the power of our movement, we must collaborate with each other.

MEETING LINK HEREhttps://zoom.us/meeting

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