

We Can Make This World a Better Place

The Basics

Address: London, UK

Website: http://innerfireshow.com/

Telephone: +44 (0) 207 846 0167

Email: team@iconiqueperformance.com

Great For: Entertainment, Inspiration, Mindfulness Talks, Motivation, Live Music, Personal Development, Networking, Evening Out, Theatre Show


INNER FIRE Show – “I am, I can, I will”

Annual Show, Tabernacle Theatre, Notting Hill, London

Next Show in 2022, Date tbc.

  • Well-being Focused Concert
  • Showing How to Connect With Your Inner Fire
  • Merging Uplifting Performance With Inspirational Speakers
  • Empowering and Innovative
  • Blending entertainment with Education
  • For Enthusiasts of Healthy Mind & Self-Fulfilled Living
  • Embracing The Best in You


What It Is About

INNER FIRE Show is a mind well-being focused concert, showcasing music of local young artists, blended with guest speakers whose talks bring inspiring messages. All to empower the audience, unlock people’s unity and strength within.

Supporting mind well-being of young people coming from difficult backgrounds and facing mental health challenges.

Giving Back

With every ticket purchased you donate to the Sound Connections charity and through this you make it possible for children and young people, who are coming from challenging backgrounds, to have access to music education.

The science to healthy use of fear for abundance.

Discover how to use fears to escape the anxiety trap and create the life you want.

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