August Fitness Wristband
Amazon, eBay, Daffodil
The Basics
Address:Rawmec Business Park, Plumpton Road, Hoddesdon
Telephone: +44 1920 487700
Email: infouk@augustinint.com
Great for:Fitness Tracking, Technology, Wireless, Wearables, Innovation
Fitness Wristband Bluetooth SWB100 allows you to track your exercise, receive calls, SMSs, e-mails, social media and calendar notifications.
August International is a UK based international company that leads the research, development and supply of consumer electronic products with the latest technology and advanced features. The company is specialized in development of wireless and smart audio and video signal receivers, decoders, streaming and display devices and wearable electronic products.
Key Features
Fitness Wristband – Keep count of all your daily activities
Smart Tracker – Track your sleep, steps, calories and distance
Sleep Monitor – Track your sleeping times and quality.
Alerts – Receive Calls, SMS, Emails, Social media and Calendar notifications
Anti-lost alarm – Vibrates when the Bluetooth device goes out of range